
Ɔlla, a Tragical Interlude - Entroductionne

Somme cherisaunei 'tys to gentle mynde,
Whan heie have chevyced theyre londe from bayne,
Whan theie ar dedd, theie leave yer name behynde,
And theyre good deedes doe on the earthe remayne;
Downe yn the grave wee ynhyme everych steyne,
Whylest al her gentlenesse ys made to sheene,
Lyche fetyve baubels geasonne to be seene.
Ɔlla, the wardenne of thys castell stede,
Whylest Saxons dyd the Englysche sceptre swaie,
Who made whole troupes of Dacyan men to blede,
Then seel’d hys eyne, and seel’d hys eyne for aie,
Wee rowze hym uppe before the judgment daie,
To sale what he, as clergyond, can kenne,
And howe hee sojourned in the vale of men.
Other works by Thomas Chatterton...
