
Life in the Emotional Extremes

I live life on the extremes of the emotional spectrum, I’ve never known the middle for long.

It’s why a often classified as being prone to mood swings, cos when your mood is travelling from one point of the spherical spectrum to another it’s gotta move swiftly.

At first I was going to title this “Life on the Emotional Extremes”, but you’re not on it,  you’re in it, everyday of your life. It’s something you live through. You move swiftly, not just to get to the other side, but to experience the journey, that feels as if your just steadily moving through, but really your accelerating to a point others don’t understand. It’s not something you live on the surface of, it pulls you in as a deep ocean does.  You’re a dolphin, trying to elegantly stream through it, making the prefect ripple as you push through the depths. People are molluscs, just floating around as you strive, confused as to what is the rush. You can see the fun in their floundering, but you can’t stop, you gotta push through and make that perfect ripple.

But the ocean isn’t clean, it’s full of large clumps of debris pushing your off course, making you splash, preventing you from achieving that perfect ripple line. People stare, confused, unsure of what’s been or the need, unable to understand purpose of your deed. And you sit, alone, cos you’re unsure of how to assure them, unable to understand how they don’t understand how important the forward progress is, not just because of where you get, but because of the perfect ripple you made along the way. Well, the perfect parts you manage to achieve anyway.

Sometimes that debris is not simply dirt and spree, but it’s people. Those molluscs who flounder around flounder into your path. What do you do? Do you give up that perfect ripple for those who don’t see your need?? Or do you stream roll through at unknown cost, knowing only that you’re seen as the mean, the uncaring, the thoughtless, though you put so much thought into every decision, after all, how you can you hope to create the perfect ripple without perfect planning and preparedness? But what happens when the blow goes right through you polarising your velocity and putting you on a path of downward spiral? Onto the next extreme then.

Really the second part is a kinda a subpoem I would call "The Perfect Ripple", but it tops and tails quite nicely with this title.

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