
Hurt Unmasked

Love such a fragile emotion
that can leave confused
and in the wrong hands
it can leave you used.
A past without a present is just a lost cause
walking round aimlessly in your feelings like a stray dog.
But when you think you found that someone unique
your life doesn’t seem that grotesque.
That’s why I feel this is where I draw the line.
Thought we’d get better with time like an aged wine.
Didn’t have to taste her to know she was sweet.
But like any sweet thing it went sour,
that’s why I’m up talking and packing this hour.
Walking out the door I know there’s something more.
She’s crying on the floor wishing to say more.
It’s over and we don’t have a topic,
I had a larger vision hers was myopic.
I turn around and her one last time,
now she is just something to write in my rhyme.
I thought she was mine, she was too fine.
I got complacent and safe wanting to recline.
Thought I treated her good
gave her everything she desired,
didn’t know my time was up
and we had expired.
Asked her if we were good,
I see she was a liar.
To the question she said yes
without a second guess
and I fell asleep on putting that at rest.
Now I see she out with
ole dude damn you so cruel.
Running to a man that’s going
to play you for a fool.
I see you are a Harlequin and I’m the Joker.
Alcohol rage I’m not going sober.
I’m not going lie I did the same as you.
But when I did I was a child,
I’m not scared to admit.
If you knew this was going to end,
why didn’t you quit?
Now I’m storming out the door highly livid,
you even carried the lie never seemed timid.
Guess it’s what I get for living a sinful past,
a good ole boy just chasing that ass,
finding the girl of my dreams laid that in the dirt,
only to turn around and get hurt.
I should have played the field and played you,
then maybe this situation wouldn’t have been news.
But I fell hard,
right from the start,
girl you had my heart and then you tore me apart.
Can’t believe I sold my soul to a woman’s heart I thought was gold.
Now I’m in the car looking at the door,
my mind takes over and I lose control.
A crash is all I hear,
I slowly become conscious
I find myself lying on the ground,
hearing impaired
can’t hear a sound
as the smoke clears
the ground looks familiar,
nice hardwood with the chocolate interior.
I roll to my side and see the car on fire I feel my life going,
I’m about to meet the king.
But no songs to sing with a glorious ring.
I look start ahead and there she lay.
The woman I loved til the end of days,
guess it’s the end now cause she’s gone and soon will I.
Not after I shed this last tear from my eyes.
I’m not dead yet
to my surprise
after I looked Death in her eyes
I look around in the hospital room
I’m the only one in this luxurious tomb
I know I don’t have much time left on this earth
just a matter of time before I’m put in the dirt.


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