
Fifty Percent Bad Personality

The Reality Of This World

When I woke... I opened my eyes to find myself in a different world... A world that kills kindness... Tramples innocence... Buries happiness... A world that’s full of murderers... Gives birth to envy... supports haters... A world that burns hearts so they turn black... A world that’s fulfilled with lies to hide the reality of the goodness they lack... A world that loves the asshole and the whore... abandons the those whose heart is pure... the destitute is rich, the wealthy is actually poor... A sick world that’s filled with germs....They affected its health....They took out the planet’s charms... There’s nowhere to stay after ruining the earth... I found that I’ve been dipped in the filthiness....Drown in the ocean of sorrow....I was chained with distress, failure, inability and weakness... The tie was narrow... I was surrounded with the creatures of darkness... They wanted from my soul to overthrow... They tortured me brutally... They were harsh and heartless! Enough pain! I couldn’t bare... so I joined them... I became a creature like them... A creature that loves grief, obscurity and shadows... Tears are dried, Tongue is tied, hope had died, honor has decayed, Love is sicklied, Aversion is increasing and in my heart it’s layed....Then I slept and closed my eyes... My soul became evil... But I didn’t show... I hid and controlled my feelings so that they don’t know... I missed my other self... the one that’s old....Wanted to be good and gave all my love to the world....Everyone that took the wrong way I attempted to guide....Provided all I got to help others, everything I could provide... Delight, faith, smiley faces I spread...{What about my life?} Then that day came... The day when I was in need... I found no one by my side... All those fake friends and folks have lied....None of them were true they just used me... My good deeds they denied... I was badly hurt inside... I couldn’t believe I did the same mistake... Gave this shitty world my confide... I lost it... Everything... There’s no more to lose or fear... And my bad side... I’ll never hide! From that moment... I felt my soul split... An evil one... The other was kind... I was totally broken... The only solution was to suicide... I stared at the sunset thereafter I cried... Suddenly I found myself in a dark place... The same in which I existed before! A creature showed up... It’s the darkness creature for sure! he told me: “We hate weak souls... You’re living for yourself not for others! Feebleness are our preys... Sturdies are the leaders... Do you think death will change them? That’s how you’ll decay and fall!”.. DECADENCE! I opened my eyes once and for all... Then I realized I was wrong! all they wanted from me is to be strong... it’s my life he was right... I could complete my own way cuz he showed me the light... I choose my own path... I don’t care what they say... whether I’m crazy or a psychopath... I built my own world and there I’ll always stay... fuck them all I don’t need them... I’ll live the life I want happily by my own way...

This thing....I wrote it from the experience of my life....How I saw the world....How I built my character....Don't trust...Listen to anyone...Choose carefully the people you need by your side...Not everyone is bad....But who I met were not good which made me not to trust anyone :): anymore...That was my mistake...I took care of others while I forgot myself to care of...And this was another mistake...Don't be too good...Don't be too bad...Treat people as they treat you...And...Suicide...Isn't the only solution in life...I live depression...And I know how it feels...That dead path is taken only by weak people...And...You always have to remember....You are living to make yourself happy....You live for yourself...Think of you before thinking of anyone...And don't care about other's speech...Because....Some have envy at you...While others feel jealous....Don't try to change yourself to make people proud of you...Because...The majority will be only looking for your flaws...So...Accept your true self...and fuck them all!

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