
This is a poem about a girl

This is a poem about a girl
A girl that i once wish to meet
A girl that will treat,
Me like we are the best of friends even though we are completely strangers when we meet
A girl that understands that I am very shy
One that knows the value of the concept and word try
A girl that knows that I will sometimes cry,
Whenever I think of her
Because the pain I will feel when she is not here,
By my side, giggling at my not so funny jokes while I stare at her, beautiful eyes
Eyes so beautiful that ironically enough, they would be the only thing I would like to see
All day everyday.
Such pain would be unbearable, too much for my bleeding heart to handle
Bleeding excessively because of the dozen arrows cupid shot at it
You see cupid is now a teenager so he is all about experimenting and I am like his lab rat
This is a poem about a girl
A girl whose eyes will tell me the story of how her heart was broken so many times by her previous boyfriends
Eyes so honest that they will confess to me immediately the amount of litres of tears rounded off to two decimal places that she has cried
Eyes that scream to me the things they have seen, things so horrifying that they can’t even dare say
Eyes so bright that I see my reflection in a way I have never done before
Eyes that promise me hope, faith and laughter
Eyes so deep that I see way into the future,
Seeing her and I, laughing and running around like kids even when we are over forty and have kids of our own
This is a poem about a girl
A girl that I so desperately wish to cross paths with
A girl that I once will call my better half
This is a poem about a girl and her eyes
Eyes that I have not yet seen


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