
The Wind That Got Away

She fell in love with the sun
for it brightens her day
but it left at her darkest
She fell in love with the moon
for it was there at her worst
but she was just one of the stars that surrounds it
She fell in love with the star
for it made her shine
but there was just no spark
She fell in love with the rain
for it poured all of its love
but it drowned her
And then,
the wind fell in love with her
It was the wind that cried with her
It was the wind that was with her when the sun sets
It was the wind that welcomed her when the moon outcasted her
It was the wind that brightened her day when the star took hers away
It was the wind that rescued her when the rain left a big casualty
It was he who was there the whole damn time
But she took it for granted
The wind got tired and its power subsided
She is left in a hot dry desert
While a boat sails with the wind.

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