
Watching You From A Distance

Praying For Time is written by George Michael

Watching you from a distance, the injustices soon unfold.
As if watching in slow motion the moments that are told...
The pain and suffering of a child I love dearly, breaks my heart!
I watch you my dear daughter as you completely fall apart.
Big dreams come rushing to a halt as you focus on each minute.
You wonder how you’ll get through this nightmare but yet, you’re still  in it.
I hear the screams from down the hall while treatment is being rendered.
Fury blinds me when I think of why we are here and I surrender–
To the depths of anguish and despair seeking justice and some solace.
Understanding that the man responsible is a druggy, and is lawless .
I vow to myself to stand vigilant, strong and true–
In overseeing and making sure that justice comes to you.


My Granddaughter was severely burned during what was supposed to be a supervised visit with her drug impaired father...Anger doesn't adequately represent the emotion here, something beyond anger and fury.

#Addict #ChildDrugEndangermentJustice

Other works by Tyna J. Metzner...
