William Wordsworth

Composed Near Calais, on the Road Leading to Ardres, August 7, 1802

JONES! as from Calais southward you and I
Went pacing side by side, this public Way
Streamed with the pomp of a too—credulous day,
When faith was pledged to new—born Liberty:
A homeless sound of joy was in the sky:
From hour to hour the antiquated Earth
Beat like the heart of Man: songs, garlands, mirth,
Banners, and happy faces, far and nigh!
And now, sole register that these things were,
Two solitary greetings have I heard,
‘Good—morrow, Citizen!’ a hollow word,
As if a dead man spake it! Yet despair
Touches me not, though pensive as a bird
Whose vernal coverts winter hath laid bare.
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