

For The Love Of Words

I’m gone;never to return
I’m sorry I left wounds and bruises, I never meant to
Wherever I be I leave such
I never mean to, but…
I’m gone;never to return
Meeting with is always promising
Like it’s gonna be forever
But I meet only to disperse;
That’s what I do and it’s not by intention
I never mean to
Running away is what I always do
I never stay longer
Sometimes I really wish I could stay
But I run! It’s out of my control!
I leave only holding memories in my hands
Some I lose on the way
Sometimes I wish to return;go back
But if I do, I just return for more ruins
And at the end I leave any way
Looking at how beautiful some encounters are,
I sometimes force myself to stay,
But I never succeed with that
I’m going never to return
It hurts to see myself returning sometimes
‘Cause I know there’ll be much bruises caused than the last time I was around
It hurts me more than it does you when I leave
’Cause when I ask myself why is this, I find no answer
All I know is that I run….
I go; never to return


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