
Perfect to God

Do you know a person that’s perfect?
Anyone who has no flaws?
I bet your answer was no.
If it was a yes, you are wrong my friend.
Everyone of us has at least one flaw.
But that’s alright.
You see, No matter how many flaws you have,
You will always be just right and even perfect to the Lord.
He’s the one who created you after all.
Why wouldn’t he find you perfect?
He loves his children despite our failures.
He understands we have all those flaws in our life
All you have to do when one of those flaws surface is
Fall down on your knees and ask God to take it and forgive you
You’ll be glad to know he answers that prayer and forgives you as soon as you pray
So always remember,
Even though we all have flaws, God loves every one of us,
His beautiful and perfect in his sight Children


This is kind of a free written poem. I dont think it has one rhyming word. :) But I hope yall enjoy it and find some encouragment from it. Thanks for reading! :)

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