

Sometimes I envy the dead
The murdered
the ones who where taken from us
Sometimes I wish he hadn’t granted me mercy
Sometimes I wish he had killed my body
After he murdered my soul
Some say I’m lucky
Now there’s an interesting notion
To me it sounds like
Wow your so lucky you get to live every day in pain
Instead of dying and being in peace
Isn’t it a matter of perspective
Why do we value life so much
If a horse is in misery
We shoot it because its more humane
what about people
Arguably we are just as
If not more self aware than an animal
But yet you have the nerve to say
That I must live in pain
That I’m lucky I’m still alive
And I say
I’m still breathing
But am I really living
Cause he murdered my soul
But saved my body
I’m just a shell of A girl
In this fragile frame
I smile on the outside
But inside my soul is dead
But there no justice for me
Cause the monster saved my body
The monster granted me mercy
I wonder if you would fight for me
If I was dead
If I wasn’t granted mercy?
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