
Same mirror, but different me

Every morning, day, and night I see that same mirror.
Although each time I see it there’s a new tear...
More and more my face gets paler as my eyes grow heavy.
How much more can I take this being pulled by sympathy?
The mirror says it all by the reflection it shows....
The mirror doesn’t lie seeming to laugh and boast.
I hear the mirror whispers “Stretch marks, fat, ugly, and over weight”.
No matter what I do this is my fate.
I can’t be lucky to be born or blessed as some of those who could be thin.
I’m the one who must be punished and disciplined again and again.
I want the freedom and enjoyment to not be worried about what I can eat or drink.
Every time I have to eat now I feel like its such a burden.
Why and why do I always have to think?
Its so stressful to be so limited..
My limitations becomes a noose around my neck,
and boy does it fit so swell.
I feel sorry for those and myself who are dealing with self confidence.
Doesn’t help much when the people you live with
are constantly telling you your over weight.
I can’t look at myself anymore and see the beauty that once laid within that mirror.
If only that girl I once was could some how magically reappear.
I’d give anything in the world to be her again,
but until then I have to be thin.


For many years I've dealt with my parents nagging and badgering me about my weight. Even when I was skinny they still made jokes or comments about me being or becoming over weight, and about the stretch marks I've had. No matter what I felt because of all those things that I wasn't beautiful. My weight and stretch marks defied me and what they labeled me as was ugly. It hurt me so badly for many years. I still struggle with these feelings today. I do feel like that my parents are the main reason why I feel so self-conscious about myself and my body. For I still have not lost my weight and in addition I've gained much more. Being over weight is such a tough topic for people especially the ones who are, but girls and boys who are over weight don't let your shape or weight define your beauty or handsomeness. God made every one beautiful and attractive he has not made any mistakes. Besides being over weight doesn't mean that you are forever going to be over weight. You have to make a choice to change, and I've decided that it's time for me to change. I encourage you to have determination, goals, and plans on helping you to achieve the weight that you want to be. Everything is possible not impossible. You can do it and I believe in you and me!

#Confidence #DepressedFat #Overweight #SelfUgly

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