
Euphoric Paradox Truth

—Do you know the paradox and hypothesis of God and the devil? Is that both are the same... Is that if demons all created by God, all childrens and daughters of him may try to take the God’s throne and defeat him then that devil may become God and so... He will have to face another demon or demoness against him... They will have to fight that new God and so it becomes and unending case again and again the same... Yet my family has go beyond that paradox, we have achieve true progress!.... The balance is delicated and is funny how we are the voice of reason among everyone! We own the whole world, everything! Cause is what we deserve, our worth... What we are...

My women and childrens
Is time to get euphoric!
It’s a pussy world that is getting fucked out there...
The world that we all live in!

—Do you know the paradox of the freedom and slavery? Is that a willing slave may her have total freedom by being one under the command, freedom and power of his owner and that a free person maybe an slave to his own freedom, the pursue of it and the preservation of it and have not the real power that actually set him free! Yet nonetheless both are no prisoners, both are free to be that!.

I’m a half villain, half hero
I’m half good, half evil
I am half negativo, half positivo
All of this is really just absolutely subjetivo!
For what is true happiness and truly positive is decided by me! Up to me what is right and wrong! What is best and worse! What is adecuate!
Happiness is different from one person to another and that is the very true real! What is the truer constructive stuff!
What makes me smile maybe totally different for what makes you smile!
And I am always happy and feeling good cause I am so astute, smart, clever and sharp!

—Do you know the paradox of change and unchanging? Is that just like the seasons that goes always changing from one to another then that in itself goes unchanging.... Is always the same change!... Never changing! immutable! imperishable! Opposites are just the same faces of the same coin! Everything, every element has their advantages and disadvantages even this words named... So the past is the future, so is in viceverza and the present is both!. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah!

I am the perpetual Euphoria, The delight!
The perfect state of mind of the elation of exhilaration!
The frenzy of the hunters, the relief of the rapture!
The glee of joy, the relaxation of jubilation, the virtuos excellency!
The bliss of a true dreamland, The ecstasy and exaltation!
The health of exultation, The reality intoxication, The rewarding gifts!
The joyousness of pleasure, The enjoyment of madness and sanity!
The luxury of intelligence, the high spirits! The appreciation of dark and light!
The amusement of gratification, The thrill of satisfaction! The calm of contemplation!
The funness of pureness and innocence, the beauty of impunity!
The fruition of immortal victory! The primrose path! The felicity of selfishness!
The indulgence of rebelry, the gladness of domination! The personal achievement!
The enchanting evil smile! The cheerfulness and beatitude of saving!
The eternal love! The everlasting glory! A Sieg Hail! The celebration of truth! A real life!
The divine tranquility and demonic conmotion of an excentric dissonant harmony!

—Do you know the paradox of order and chaos? Is that no matter all the kinds of order humans or creatures may try to make to control chaos... Yet a chaos is born from the very creation of this barricades and constructions they or we make and the very natural state of order of the universe is the chaos they try to control or dominate!

Now we really make it... And so goes to show!

I can stick to you
My signs will bleed you out
Cause I have never back down
And my faith is intact
And I think, talk, speak and said
That I would knock you down down
I would leave you dead

—Do you know the paradox of old and young new? Is that no matter how many new advancements and progress exist... They are doing it ultimately to face and gain the most old things in this world that is the universe and the stars beyond!

And I say what I want
And I really really meant it
And when say what I want
I really really get it
And I say what I want
And I really really got it
So say what you want
What you
Really really want and keep it! For there is nothing writed above heaven or below heaven that tell you to not do it!

—Do you know the paradox of perfection and imperfection? Perfection and Imperfection, like beauty or to be cool, to be boring, being interesting, being beautiful, being ugly, being fun, being pure, being worthy, being true... Is all in the eye of the beholder. Some things are perfect because of their imperfections, some things are imperfect because they have achieve perfection... What you see as perfect maybe for someone else totally imperfect, what you see as imperfect maybe for someone else totally perfect and so on.

Oh yeah
Now you’ve really give it...
You gave your pussy
And I never pay for it!

Am I a villain, baby?
Is my life a sin?
Maybe yes, maybe not...
Now you’ve really cum to it...

—You know the paradox of traveling, going and staying? Is that is all the same... No matter where you go or where you travel and adventure yourself or your people in is the same minded world... No difference from here to there... Us traveling from planet to planet, you are going anywhere anyway since all is one, altogether and alongside with the nothingness! Cause life is a journey not a destiny!

My women and childrens
Is time to get killing
Women and children
Time to get euphoric
Now we really get it...
Now we really fuckin’ done it
Oh, now we really make it
Now we really make it and done it...
You gave your pussy
And I never pay for it!
Now we really done it

—Do you know the paradox of hell and heaven, of an utopia or a distopia? Is that is up to you or me what is one....

it’s a pussy world that is getting fucked out there by me and that muff snatch twat beaver box gash pudenda slit vuva vagina streets are on fire, wet engulfed on flames! And are fully penetrated!

Do you know the paradox of life and death?  Is that to protects life sometimes you must kill and give death to protect yourself and the ones you love... Everyone do it one way or another... When we eat vegetables or meat, when we even breath... Both most die, something must die for you to eat them and so for you to live, ironically, for every irony is a truth death give us life! It nourish us! We are destined to eat life from death.

That is the world that you live in! For I see the suffering on your strong smile... And whatever your dream is... Rise! Make it be! For most people do not truly feel... Anything.... And do not undertand.... Anything...

—Do you know the paradox of difference and sameness? Is that while we are all one of a kind, unique and different... We all share that divergent sameness...

For every true heroe helps the suffering of the villains... They save them! or in viceverza and if they do not... For saving them is saving themselves! They are not true heroes or villains at all! A heroe is a saviour after all! and so it is a villain!

—Do you know the paradox of the heroe and the villain? Is that to be a heroe you may have to become a villain and to be a villain you may have to become a heroe! And so a heroe in somewhere else maybe a villain for many and a villain in somewhere else maybe a heroe for many others!

We are never asking, We are taking all, us! We dragons, bats, serpents, wolfs, lions, eagles and crows! Who dares to not care... We who cares not for the sheeps! And just like all the things made in the name of our blood are remembered in history forever... Do not forget and always remember that the world is what we make, what we want the world to be!
My dark White family! See my and our self God Demon smile! See how happy we are!.

“The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.”
Niels Bohr

“I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education

“Well, the way of paradoxes is the way of truth. To test reality we must see it on the tight rope. When the verities become acrobats, we can judge them.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

“Love is such a tissue of paradoxes, and exists in such endless variety of forms and shades that you may say almost anything about it that you please, and it is likely to be correct.”
Henry Finck

The paradox of illuminating complexity is that it is inherently difficult to do so without erasing all of the nuance.”
David Shenk, The Immortal Game: A History of Chess, or How 32 Carved Pieces on a Board Illuminated Our Understanding of War, Art, Science and the Human Brain

“Behind every villain is a truth, whether it be perceived or actual.”
Dalton Frey, The Darkest Light

In an evil society a villain is the hero, because only the villain can speak the truth.”
T.J. Kirk

The role of the villain is only determined by who's telling the story”
Penelope Douglas, Nightfall

"A hero would sacrifice you to save the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you."

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