
The balck piano

The piano fills the room. Its sleek black crafted wood glistens within the lights, and she  steps  in sits and exhales.... and it begins
The first note is struck and the silence is but a faded memory
Her fingers glide over the keys as she finds the melody  that speaks the story
the story of her first true heartache the one that quaked and rumbled like the sound of splitting earth but in terms of her heart
now her tears begin to find her eyes and blur her vision
the passion she felt when she was in his presence, the silly questions and youthful kisses, the lingering since of security
the tears begin to build and.....
She remembers, she remembers the sound of the door closing as he left and matches it with the sound her fingers effortlessly make on the keys
the first tear found its way to her rounded cheek
the story continued and she remembers so vividly the phone call that brung her mother to her knees
the second tear found its way down her cheek
she remembers the touch of rain God added at her fathers funeral
the silence was no where to be found as the sound of the piano filled the room and memories came down her cheeks
she remembers the nights wondering if anyone ever felt such intensified grief
the third tear begins to descend as she recalls the night she took a walk
the night where sleep could not find her, and haze filled her mind
the night where she walked down the wrong path and was met by a group of men, the night where in the darkest of hours no one came to her aid as she was defilled
the tears began to come so aggresively that she could not help but stop to wipe her cheeks
the silence returned and she paused a moment took one of the deepest breaths she could find and pressed forward
She poured her very heart onto those keys and used her memories to form the symphonic sound which so beautifully complimented the sound resonating in this room
because so many nights no one ever knew about the female pianist and why shes cried everytime she played, she plays because she remembers the dark hole that grows in her chest
and the only thing that seems to fill this void is that sleek black wooded piano that glistens in the lights...............


So many who are broken find the will to move forward through life by transforming there pain into melodies the world can understand.

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