
I know Her Name

Let me tell you about the woman with no name...

She is not of this world, she is angelic  she was made in the image of the love itself. I take that back she is bigger than love because love cannot describe her her. She was created in gods own image an even then she was greater than his greatest creation. She is the breeze on the ocean on a perfect day. She is the northern lights. She is the most perfect thing that you can imagine. But yet she has no name because not even the king of the mightiest kindim can claim her he is not worthy remember she is not of this world she is deserving only of one. One in a billion and he may not be good enough. She is strong yet fragile meek but strong and a gem that has to be handled with the greatest care and even a king can’t cage her she is greater than he is she is greater than the kingdom he commands she is angelic she is everything that a man does not deserve even in his best moments. She has no name because no one is worthy enough to speak a word to this gem of a woman the man she meets and decides to be with will be greater than the sun moon and stars and deeper than the red one. He will be brighter that the stars up above and more precious than life itself and even then he won’t deserve to call her anything except his life... And his destiny.... She is more beautiful that life itself and will be a gift from god himself only because only he approves. I know her name.



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