
My life

A long time ago I was a whole different person,
I had a life mixed up of drugs and alcohol
I hated my life,
I hated the world, I wanted no part of it at all.
As days turned into months,
my hurt and my pain froze my heart in place,
and turned it into ice,
I felt no love, no happiness, no fear.
I was just hollow a person with no soul.
As months turned into years,
Life changed and I realized,
I couldn’t live like this anymore,
new people came into my life,
people who turned into friends,
from friends they turned into family,
they showed me how to love,
melted the ice held my heart captive for years.
People tell me street family will only bring you a life of crime,
but my “street”family taught me to open my heart,
they taught me to let people in,
that it is okay to be afriad every once in a while,
it is okay to cry your heart out,
It is okay to stand up for yourself,
it is okay to be you.
as those years turned into more,
I found myself a family,
I could finally call a place a home,
I could finally stop living out of boxes,
not knowing where I was going to be next.
They taught me that in order to succeed,
and not to make my parents mistakes,
I needed to thrive and have the ambition to be more
than just that little girl who was tossed aside.
they taught me what was really important,
that it was okay to let go of everything and be who want to be.
they taught me that I can be different, my past isn’t who I am its what I was.
I got a little older,
as I made it out on my own,
started to further my education and learned who I truly was,
and I learned to not let anyone change who I am,
I fell in love, and for once opened my heart completely
and gave him all of me,
with no hesitation, no fear.
The days once again turned into months,
I was free, I was finally me,
He showed me that my past was my past,
it couldn’t hurt me any more.
That life could be better with someone to share it with.
as those months turned into years,
we got closer and we were married in January of our 2nd year,
surrounded by our family and friends.
Later on......
something amazing happened
I became a mom.
I was overwelmed with fear,
I didn’t want to turn out like my parents,
I couldn’t give him the life he deserved.
But then something beautiful happened
The day he was born,
He touched my soul.
He was the missing link, that made my life whole.
The one perfect thing I had been waiting for.
The moment those beautiful brown eyes,
stare at me I knew that my life was all it had to be,
to bring him to me.
I once had a life,
I thought not worth living,
but because of amazing friends, and a wonderful family,
god made me just right for him.
A strong survivor,
capable of beauty and wonder.
the perfect mother.


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