

With a thousand horses surrounding each flank,
they are not stopped by the trails that lead to the cliff,
with his gallop cutting the grass in his step
and thunderous galloping in droves.
Mounted by valuable knights,
that at a gallop they still wear hats,
and with spears they break shelf walls.
Which is from his faithful companion the steed,
but not the rope that holds the hat
nor the spur that keeps him standing.
But the gallantry its riders,
those who make thunder the firm ground,
they divert them from the paths that lead to cliffs
and they shake the walls with paper corbels.
They gallop towards an empty castle
of steeds, swords and throne,
as if they had fled in laughter.
And crowned the site by the troops
the gentleman runs to carry news and gallops,
to his kingdom that impatient new compare
the papyrus that noble swift carries in cord.
A question my King asks:
Where did valiant gentlemen flee
What valuable place should they defend?
Perhaps seeing the thousand nags that, surrounding the flank,
they were not stopped by the paths that lead to cliffs
with his gallop cutting the grass in his path,
they fled for not being able to protect it.
By Alfonso J. Paredes

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