
love eye

I want to make love
Kisses and big hags
Stay by your side
Like i am on tag
I have been waiting
For the moment of this shot
When i grabbed it
i will swing it like a flag
Nothing inspires me
She got all i want
I been looking
For the Perfect love
The love that feels
My life and make
Me not to starve
You know how sharp is
The spur of love
I don’t care if i have
To get stabbed
Certain loves are dangerous
This one was different
I had to look everywhere
From the start
It almost made me fall apart
I knew i will find it
And i will grape the
Perfect love not crap
I was searching until now
I never lost hope
There was nothing
That made me stops
Until i end up in this
Quite pub
I was in a pub
when saw and blinked
She came straight away
I was freaked
She offered me a drink
I was afraid to take it
In case i get tipsy
And easily take it
I said sit down girl
Let’s have a chit chat
If you want a break
I am buying a kit-Kat
Don’t lie to me lady
That’s just for the start
when i saw you
I introduce my self
With a clean heart
Cheer up now lets
Play a bit of dart
It’s a game of two
Just for the start
Don’t let anybody interrupt
I know you are smart
I am feeling that
I found my other part
Don’t ever leave me now
Don’t make me feel bad
To find someone like you
It’s too hard
Life with out you is
Like pushing a broken cart
I will reach nowhere
Even thou i am pushing hard
Say something babe
Are you going to sort me out

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