
Be Love ...

I don’t understand why the equality of our brothers and sisters rest on the shoulders of men and women who categorize our nation by Rich and Poor, Religion and Nationality, Education and Sexuality.
I don’t understand how the Selfish walk with pride and the Selfless walk alone. it isn’t about who you know or where you’ve been, but the amount of money you can spend.
I don’t understand how we are led with laws that only allow half of our personality.laws that are taken for granted by the good and the bad, with no regards to humanity.
The list of things I don’t understand is never ending, but understanding everything doesn’t come with the power in itself . The power to understand comes from the journey and the lessons. To live with hatred and animosity is to walk through life blinded from beauty, walking a path unable to see truth.
There are many questions I would like to ask many people, would that give me more insight? No, it wouldn’t, I understand experience is the path to the answers that will help you.
I no longer rely on the questions I have but, the fact that I understand I need to be the love in others, the confidence, the truth, the loyalty, these are all the IMPORTANT aspects that lay an unbreakable foundation.
You can not live a life seeking what only benefits you, you will never know the feeling of true self satisfaction! To be completely and utterly at peace with your own spirituality finding a rare happiness because you have provided peace and love for others. The happier you are with you, the less you desire materialism.
Instead of concentrating on what headlines the news, or changing your wardrobe to fit into the elite group, find your peace and be the love that is you, reach out a hand .. What’s it gonna hurt? Listen to how your brother or sisters day went, there is a lot there to learn.
Never allow those you care about and love to ever feel alone because, when you lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling or laying awake with your eyes closed, we all want what means the most and that is to be unconditionally loved.

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