
My love or my son

A love so sweet,
Destined for greatness,
To be together forever,
Ruined by a woman so cruel,
Taking everything from her daughter,
Maliciously hurting her family,
Trying to take her daughter’s happyness away
Trying to take her family away,
Taking her son,
Causing pain and misery,
Ripping her from the love of her life,
For the love of her son,
She does what she has to,
To keep her son,
Not to lose him,
To this woman so cruel,
This woman so heartless,
This woman who cant see how she is ruining this happy family,
She struggles on,
Being forced to choose,
Between her son and her love,
She keeps her son and loses her love,
Or she keeps her love and loses her son,
Its not a choice she says to him,
My son is the most important thing in my life,
He nods and comforts her,
Knowing it kills her to lose and leave him,
Its not a good choice,
Not a fair choice,
But a choice,
One she has to make,
To keep her family together,
She will suffer on,
Dealing with the pain and regret,
Of leaving her one true love,
Maybe they will sort through it,
Maybe it will make them stronger,
But maybe it will crush them forever,
The only thing she knows,
Her son is her life,
She has to go to him,
To save him from her,
To save her son from his grandmother,
Before he is lost,


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