
Abstract Anger

Memories Disguised as Anger

Am I angry?
What is it to be angry?
Is being angry knowing that you were raised by your mom and having to watch her struggle by herself?
Is being angry remembering when you had to be homeless and living in a shelter... more than one time in your life?
Is being angry having no food, no lights, and no water for the umpteenth time in your life that
its just normal?
Is being angry knowing that your dads daughters don’t like you because he was in your life and not theirs when he’s not even your biological father?
Is being angry knowing that your biological father acts like he cares but his actions make it seen like he could care less?
Is being angry remembering your dad punching, slapping, and choking your mom while you’re in the same house or even room?
Is being angry falling in love and not being caught with/by someone 10 years older than you and having your heart ripped to pieces when all you ever did was care?
Is being angry knowing exactly what I want, who I want, and where I want to be, but being stuck in your own crazy hell?
Is being angry remembering how you were locked in a basement because your grandmother is briwas choosy about which grandchildren she claimed our even liked?
Is being angry wanting your parents to just support and push your dreams and talent but know that they won’t?
Is being angry inviting the people most important to you to the biggest day of your life and just knowing they’re going to be there but getting an excuse of why they couldn’t come?
Is being angry living in a house where you do the best you can with what you have but still getting called selfish?
Is being angry hating your family because you either don’t know them or they hate each other  so much it’s impossible to love them?
Is being wishing your dad was in your life like he was and is supposed to be but he’s not?
Is being angry having so called friends who use you for any and everything and then get mad when you say you have no friends?
Is being angry knowing you can’t talk to anyone in your family because they will always see what they think you did wrong and judge the hell out of you?
Is being angry acknowledging you can’t trust or love anyone because they’re just going to turn around and leave you anyway?
Is being angry wanting to tell everyone to stfu because they always have something to say but don’t ever have a clue about what’s going on?
Is being angry the scars on my arm and leg from the burns that describes my exact feelings?
Is being angry only finding happiness with music our through this pen and paper?
Is being angry getting dressed and smiling everyday to hide just how miserable I am?
Some say I have no reason to be angry all the time and it’s all in my head.
I need not worry and be so negative...
I will never run from anything
I will always be honest
I will always say what I want
I feel I’m entitled to be angry... Am I angry?
I am angry I just hide it all well...
What is angry though?

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