
Promise Me You'll Try And Understand Me

Time doesn’t allow for me to sit around and waste air. Life doesn’t let me except my fate. What is death? What is life? My missconception of life is that it is a big ball of lies because there is no truth to the universe as to ones perspective. If i kill myself, will i just wake up to reality and escape this dream i call a nightmare while others call it life. Is there hevan or is there hell? Define both because i can relate. Maybe i should invent a new after life because anyone and everyone believes this idiotic bullshit assumed to be hevan and hell. Wait! Did you hear that or have i officially gone mentally insane. After LIFE. There is life after death. What is life. Is life never ending? So me dying would just be me trying to start again. New, fresh, a clean start. Ahhh that sounds lovely. You smell that? That bitter sweet, sad sent? Rotting? Decay? No i don’t. I smell adventure and curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, but that cat has nine god damn lives? How many do i have? Only one? That doesn’t have me convinced. Do you know? Because i sure as HELL don’t know. No one can prove anything to be real. Well not to me. For all we know i could be a ghost who has never discovered that sweet sensation called peace. You can’t explain what life or death is to me because i won’t listen and i won’t understand. I’ve heard death is a promise and life is a fucking lie, but every promise is meant to be broken and there is some truth behind every lie.

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