

To those of us who find concepts quite illogical at times!

The curve is perceptible yet the principals of gravity are quite lost… on me,
Maybe the area of a circle equaling pi r squared should be tossed…I would more readily agree.
These equations do not conjure a mental picture with any real clarity…
They come to most of us in fact as more likely… with rarity.
In hindsight… to me, the lessons in school were rather counter intuitive,
And even after the hypothesis and proofs to actually prove how true it all is,
I was more likely to be left baffled than construed in conclusiveness.
Having studied the concepts and ruminated them to exhaustion,
The consternation keeping my mind over taxed far…far too often.
Because to my way of thinking in Australia down under,
The blood running straight to their globes… logically should be dizzying without blunder.
It is these things we cannot see that masquerade the most obvious of facts,
Those lost in the muddle of those confounded intangible cracks,
Where reality and common sense just seem to collide in confusion,
Taking us on that never-ending fact finding ride... to find the logical conclusion.
I muse that we fly without thinking, hurtling like a rocket through the air,
Something we cannot see but know through science is there…
On a plane with several hundred others and luggage without care.
Something must assuredly be wrong, because it seems so unlikely to perceive,
That such a mass could achieve such speed with unquestionable ease.
Perplexing, but for simple proof that the air pressure is much greater under their wings,
Having a different airflow above and below, giving lift to this most ungainly of things.
Seems so illogical that so simple a principal,
Could be lost on the contrary common sense seemingly logically invincible.
One gets lost in these tangents of conceptual cerebral infractions,
Yet even with all these answers we act blind to the obvious… to distraction.
Armed with so many facts that should be utilized for the building of nations,
We are quick to use our knowledge for the powers of destruction… rather than those of creation.
Failing in our ability to utilize this knowledge for resolution,
We merrily continue to act like such fools, and show our more characteristic failed evolution.
My simple deduction is we need to build a stronger and better life for a world filled with diversity,
Maybe, this should trigger the notion we all need to think differently at Colleges and Universities.
Just saying!


This was a fun exercise to play with words and concepts that are really illogical


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