
Santa’s New Idea

Said Santa Claus
One winter’s night,
‘€˜I really think it’s only right
That gifts should have a little say
‘€˜Bout where they’ll be on Christmas Day.’
So then and there
He called the toys
Intended for good girls and boys,
And when they’d settled down to hear,
He made his plan for them quite clear.
These were his words:
‘€˜Soon now,' he said,
‘€˜You’ll all be speeding off with me
To being the Christmas joy and cheer
To little ones both far and near.
‘€˜Here’s my idea,
It seems but fair
That you should each one have a share
In choosing homes where you will stay
On and after Christmas Day.
‘€˜Now the next weeks
Before we go
Over the miles of glistening snow
Find out the tots that you like best
And think much nicer than the rest.’
The toys called out
‘€˜Hurrah! Hurrah!
What fun to live always and play
With folks we choose - they’ll surely be
Selected very carefully.’
So, children dear,
When you do see
Your toys in socks or on a tree,
You’ll know in all the world '€˜twas you
They wanted to be given to.

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