

Add one to one
That will give you two
In my text book
It equals me and you
In Algebra, you’d rearrange it
To find variable I and variable U
But, in art class
We get cut apart, where’s the glue?
Wipe off the eraser shavings
And color us blue
We’re just another project
Put in lieu
Look back in history
Nothing could have predicted this mess
Even with cave paintings and glyphs
Elders told us, you’d be mine in a white dress
These books though, can’t tell the future
So, I’ll do my best with nothing less
Now, I’m going through books in English
Reading Romeo and Juliet, that what it is
Separated by family and class
Though, she, will soon be his
Undeniable, like the way a sentence is put together
Intertwined in her perfection, now claiming that he is
Autres oeuvres par A.R.Czesnowski...
