
The Time

Some people have the hope for tomorrow
While some thinks the road is narrow
But when the time comes to rest,
The lay ones are now the next.
They beg for food and tries to give
They kneel to beg and eat remains
The other eats and help retains
A long time it is in the faces of many
The faces of some
are like the faces of the needy
But many of those are caused by the leaders
By those who are put there to be the readers
They squach public funds and starve the people
Some knows the bed and helps people with little
Unemployment all over the country
Has disappointed the youths with nothing
They have hope for a better tomorrow
But their hope had been flushed down the marrow
In a bid to find something doing
They get themselves on the wrong moving
The crimes all over the country
Can be traced to those who has a bad nurturing
They do these things as a fitness
Those who are denied their droppings
But many get it all wrong
They think it is the youths that make it that long
Not knowing the leaders that craves for more wealth
And abandons the youth with unemployment
But when the time comes
These people will face judgement
Their Abili failing them
Not the judge raised high
But the judge most high

I wrote this poem when I was twelve years of age. I often heard my parents talking about the economic and political economy of Nigeria, and I think that inspired me to write the poem.

Other works by Arogunjo Esther Osadiname...
