
At the Comedy

LAST night, in snowy gown and glove,
 I saw you watch the play
Where each mock hero won his love
 The old unlifelike way.
(And O were life their little scene
 Where love so smoothly ran,
How different, Dear, this world had been
 Since this old world began!)
For you, who saw them gaily win
 Both hand and heart away,
Knew well where dwelt the mockery in
 That foolish little play.
('If love were all–if love were all,’
 The viols sobbed and cried,
‘Then love were best whate’er befall!’
 Low, low the flutes replied.)
And you, last night, did you forget,
 So far from me, so near?–
For watching there your eyes were wet
 With just an idle tear!
(And down the great dark curtain fell
 Upon their foolish play,
But you and I knew–oh, too well!–
 Life went another way!)
Otras obras de Arthur Stringer...
