
Nobody to Show Me Love

Walking away from a crowd that once loved me
I used to be able to see these things coming
Nobody to show me no love
Blue rags are all I got
Homies say was sup
But that’s a dream a fantasy
Things that aren’t real for me
Represent blue come on you’re acting like a fool
Put your feet on the ground
Go to a place where bullets aren’t flying around
But for most that’s reality
Living in the hood can’t be compared to those living in war
But that doesn’t mean it’s not hard
Just go to the Bronx and try walking the store
Can you do it without getting shit?
Without getting scared of being jumped
Without having your pants wet with piss
Nobody to show me love
Everyone I knew is gone
It’s like death took them away on a horse led carriage
With their bones shattering at every step
I woke up 30 times
Each one started with a look into their life
How they screwed up
When the smoke stopped at their lungs
Crying from the screaming from their mommy and daddy
And sadly, eventually, horrendously they said goodbye to daddy
Without a second glance that’s where they saw him last
On the corner of their stair case
Three days later a cop stood in that same place
She told them he died in a fight
A guy smashed his head open
From then on that family has lost their love
The mom’s on drugs
The kids hang out with thugs
They’ve made them selves names
They’ve seen blood gush from people’s veins
Their family was never the same
Nobody to show love
While the kids got screwed over lets go to the next page
There are some flowers, some honeybees, and white doves
This is the rich mans world
Were there kids grow without fear
Were the rich kids give homeless a sneer
Where nobody cares
While we’re dying down here they’re drinking whine and beer
We all say when we’re rich we’ll make the world change
That the world will recognize your face
Remember your name
Make a statue to remember your fame
But you’re poor right now
What ya gonna do now
The moment where you live and breathe
Where people laugh at you and dreams
Well that’s just me
That’s just what I see
Nobody to love
Those kids around the world
Rich and poor
Spoiled and broke
They have dreams to be bigger than their parents
But for some of them that’s bringing two pieces of bread  
But this is our future
These are your kids  
They’ll be here in a moments notice
Just imagine being that teenage boy
Getting a phone call from his girl
Finds out that his parents are his kid’s grandparents
It is mommy and daddy at sixteen
Nobody saw it coming
Which is funny
Cause they’ve been together for a couple of years
Now the girl’s in a puddle of tears
Nobody’s love
Come on
What the hell
Can’t you just look me in the eyes?
Can you stop playing that game
Tears and lies
This is all the same
You’re just another person who’s been trying to understand
The person I am is not for this school it’s for my friends
Who just happen to live about an hour away
But what can I say
They’re better than what this school gives me
Nobody here deserves what they see
But I have to let them be
This is one thing I got
It lives in my memories
And it flies away across the sea
Cause this is me
As I live and breathe


Other works by Arturo Chavez...
