
Letting it all out

Sometimes I keep it in for far too long
I never tell people my TRUE feelings
No one knows I am alone
No one knows I’m battling dre pressing alone
No one will ever find out
I tried to get help
But they were too busy
They were occupied with someone who needed it more
Not knowing how badly I needed it
He called me dumb for asking where the consuelor was
He laughed and asked if  I was stupid that I couldn’t read the sign
All I needed was someone to tell me that I wasn’t dumb
He crushed my feelings
I sobbed in the bathroom alone and scared
I went home that day and did something I vowed never to do again
I picked up a blade and sliced my skin once again
The feeling was foreign yet needed
I couldn’t stop with that one slice
I went deeper, I needed to feel that I was still here
He crushed me without knowing me
He will never know what pain I went through and still am
I fear to go back and get help because I may be judged again
I just wanted some help but it was not found
So I dealt with it the best way I knew how...
With a blade and a smile
Preferido o celebrado por...
Otras obras de Ashley James...
