
let’s not try, try again

you’re alive and you’re young,
healthy and hygienic.
you’re sick and you’re dead;
my walking corpse bride.
love, stop leaving me!
stop hitching the next train out of town.
i swear to god, i know i’m too much but i promise,
i’m just trying to make you happy.
can you just stick it out for me?
if i’m not allowed to leave why the fuck are you?
you can’t get buried on your own.
you doodled our joint tombstones years ago, and i said yes all flushed.
you can’t get shot without me.
i know i’ve been getting high without you, drunk without you,
but i come back.
while you’re trying so hard not to.
is it something wrong with me?
am i no longer a good enough reason to stay?
all i want is to toss out love letters with you on that old bridge,
the one over the dry ass riverbed.

pov ur friends keep trying to kill themselves


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