
Nature's secret

in memory of Jenny

I sat in front of a wizened Hawthorn tree;
alone I was, but voice spoke to me!
“Deep in contemplation you seem my friend;
let us talk, catch up upon lifes trends”...
Startled by voice, I did look around;
yet not a soul could I see!
Then I looked straight in front;
I soon realised, voice was that of the tree!
Time had taken much life out of friend;
stunted in growth it seemed to be.
Many branches were withered, dying away;
Hawthorn could last just one more day!
“Trees are friends of human kind”, said to me;
“We are here, not just for human eyes to please!
A function of importance do have trees;
without, no quality of life would there be”!
“Trees can speak, but only on dying day”;
so we simply started chatting away.
Day became night, then night again day;
at this point Hawthorn did pass away!



Autres oeuvres par Ben Hill...
