

Who am I? I am just me. I have learned in life that not everybody will like you, so why try to be something or someone you're not? I want to be the person that is expected of me from my children. It's the decisions I make for them now that sets the path for them as an adult. I have been truly blessed over the years & probably more than I should have been but I never forget who I should thank. I wish I could live a drama free life but sometimes it is within those times we actually find out what we are capable of. I fear nothing. To fear something or someone allows control over your life. I hear people say that their life sucks. So it makes me wonder what they would say if they were dead. I wonder if life is what it is or do we have the power to change it? I regret nothing about my yesterday life. It is in those bad choices I made that helped me become wiser. I always try to do what is right. But sometimes doing what is wrong can be easier. I try to make a good impression on people. You never know who they will be to you in the future. I an not a patient person & that has led me to things that I really did not want after all. So I have learned that patience is a virtue. I'm confused on what is real anymore. I think we all try to ignore the reality of life sometimes because it can be too complex. I need to be more responsible. I find that in those times I am, life just seems more peaceful. I lose everything when I lose hope in myself. So I keep reminding myself there is still hope for you yet!

Who am I? I am just me. I have learned in life that not everybody will like you, so why try to be something or someone you're not? I want to be the person that is expected of me from my children. It's the decisions I make for them now that sets the path for them as an adult. I have been truly blessed over the years & probably more than I should have been but I never forget who I should thank. I wish I could live a drama free life but sometimes it is within those times we actually find out what we are capable of. I fear nothing. To fear something or someone allows control over your life. I hear people say that their life sucks. So it makes me wonder what they would say if they were dead. I wonder if life is what it is or do we have the power to change it? I regret nothing about my yesterday life. It is in those bad choices I made that helped me become wiser. I always try to do what is right. But sometimes doing what is wrong can be easier. I try to make a good impression on people. You never know who they will be to you in the future. I an not a patient person & that has led me to things that I really did not want after all. So I have learned that patience is a virtue. I'm confused on what is real anymore. I think we all try to ignore the reality of life sometimes because it can be too complex. I need to be more responsible. I find that in those times I am, life just seems more peaceful. I lose everything when I lose hope in myself. So I keep reminding myself there is still hope for you yet!
