
Time two

Her name is mirror

I hate her
I hate her so much,
I hate her more than you,
Everything you she did to you
She did to me too
But times two
She judges my behavior
She despises my body
She expects nothing less than perfection
You hate her,
You wish she was different
Perhaps more consistent
Or maybe not as arrogant
She’s be prettier is she was skinnier
She needs to smile more
And why doesn’t she dress normal
You hate that
I hate it more
I’ve seen her look at me
Right into my eyes and
Critique every inch of my being
She’s such a bitch
She wishes I’d die sometimes
She wouldn’t kill me tho
And she’s bipolar as fuck
She whispers in my ear that I’m doing okay
And I’m the same breath she says id wish   you’d never came
She’s a shame.
Not just to you
But too me too.
You don’t understand her,
I don’t either
She knows it too and she prefers it that way
She’s so messy.
She’s so ugly
She’s so annoying
She’s so bipolar
She’s so lonely
She’s so desperate
She’s so fucked up
She’s so me
I’m so fucked up
She is me
Me is she
This is me.
I hate me.

Autres oeuvres par Viridiana...
