
Cleon and I

Cleon hath a million acres,
Ne’er a one have I;
Cleon dwelleth in a palace,
In a cottage I;
Cleon hath a dozen fortunes,
Not a penny I:
yet the poorer of the twain is
Cleon, and not I.
Cleon, true, possesseth acres,
But the landscape I;
Half the charms to me it yieldeth
Money cannot buy;
Cleon harbours sloth and dulness,
Freshening vigour I;
He in velvet, I in fustian–
Richer man am I.
Cleon is a slave to grandeur,
Free as thought am I;
Cleon fees a score of doctors,
Wealth-surrounded, care-environ’d,
Cleon fears to die;
Death may come, he’ll find me ready;-
Happier man am I.
Cleon sees no charms in Nature,
In a daisy I;
Cleon hears no anthems singing
In the sea and sky;
Nature sings to me for ever,
Earnest listener I;
State for state, with all attendants,
Who would change? Not I.
Other works by Charles Mackay...
