
The Ottomans

“It’s been interesting!
                               I’m teaching the kids about The Ottomans”
And then the deluge:
Did you know, this?
Don’t you think, that?
Well. Actually I...
Time passes.
The words flow onwards unceasing, meandering
mindlessly– constrained not
by geography,
nor time period,
nor breath.
I am Pandora.
Soundbites hover in the air,
buzzing as bees unleashed from their hive.
Senses blur as I observe The Swarm;
but can no longer perceive individuals.
The Ottomans had a decentralised system of government.
Face set in a masked smile, I too venture outward.
Beyond the clatter of china to my left;
beyond the shuffling feet to my right, which find no pause for interruption;
upwards. Outwards. Onwards.
On, and on, and on.
Do I sense the water beginning to recede?
Is it still
And then peace:
“Oh” He says “But I suppose you knew all that?
                       You said you teach it?”

Otras obras de Chloe Alice...
