

1.   your tacky taste in jewellery sparkled in a way that highlighted you
                                                                                               as everything but
2.   you held my hand through joy and picked me
                                                                         up from
3.   scraped knees made my eyes feel full and wet with pain
                                                                                        caused by
4.   you had the same glass coffee table for all those years
                                                                                    I was with
5.   you always kept it
                     clean and
6.   everything else was dirty
                       like the cups of
7.   instant coffee is supposed to be bad
                            bitter I still feel it in my
            mouth now and I think I like the
8.   taste of the scent
             you left when
9.   you were stronger than all the men I’d ever met and
                                                                                even more
10.   stubborn weeds grew on the pavement pieces
                                                   even when you were
11.   home was where you were
                    when you followed
                 me and told me that
12.   you grew weeds when
                        you left too.

Otras obras de Chloe Kincaid...
