
Quietly Deafening

We live in a world of eerie silence
about all the things that matter most
a world of no hands I want to
know but I don’t want to ask
Why are you so quiet after I’ve finally poured my
heartache onto this bed for you
like the unstoppable leakage that gushes
from the holes inside me
Why does getting atop a box of soap
for some reason leave everyone feeling
dirty and without
a scrubbing brush or sponge
What makes heads turn
fast forward and change
the channel
Away from the constant screaming
streaming of things we cannot bare
to see to believe they
are happening
I think the chaos that thrashes
inside me must be like a dance
to no music compared to the mess
of mistakes this world is choreographed
in time to
Make a difference to something I don’t understand
why would I want to understand something that leaves
me with grit in my pores so deep no one can see it
and I can’t clean it out
I don’t want to understand understanding
only creates more holes and I’m full of
holes which can’t be filled that only pour out
I think I might drown from all this liquid
And why would I want to swim if only to be left
choking, reaching on the shore of an empty beach
where my bitter salty gasps are not even heard
where there is no answer to my cries for help
We live in a world where we use poems
to say the things that keep us up at night
because there is no one left to listen
at the end of any poem isn’t it the same
isn’t there just silence…

Autres oeuvres par Chloe Kincaid...
