
In the backpack

We carry this backpack where every we go,
It’s with us over the years as we grow.
Stored within these treasures over time,
Memories, photographs cherished in mind.
When we are born this pack is created,
Each day, time has waited.
From when we are born to the day we die,
Trinkets are stored and protected inside.
A tooth, a lock of hair, birthdays each year,
Now carried within memories are stored here.
From our first day of school a moment to shine,
Books, binders, life’s journal through time.
A drawing, a picture, making the grade,
The change of season graduation one day.
First dates, losses, death, friends moving out,
In the backpack faded and worn out.
As the years progress it taken Its toll,
Ripped, sewn, memoires & living soul.
The edges are frayed these layers of time,
Treasures through history a backpack of mine.
With marriage and kids this backpack grown,
New seeds shared and new ones sewn.
Upon each back each has their own,
Into the backpack this journey has grown.

the backpack as our memories we have from birth to death

Other works by Chris Goddard...
