
Fire Music

To anyone and everyone

There once was a young boy
Who had a French horn
He received it as a toy
On the day he was born.
And on every day and night
He played his notes so fine
He played it with great might
For he played it all the time.
The people miles around
Came to see him play.
They want to hear that sound
Its the reason why they stay.
The boy is not alone
In the playing of tune
He is joined by the trombone
And a girl on her flume
They play in peace
They play until they tire
But if they cease
The world will burn in fire


I felt like creating this poem because all throughout my high-school, I hear people talk about these hard rock bands that are popular. A lot say they are bad. For a little bit, I thought so too until I heard one talk about the music he listens to. For him, its his life. The songs is the only thing he can relate to, be comfortable with. Sadly, he said that without his music, he would long ago ended it...

