
Creacher comforts

Have u ever had troubles sleeping trew the night. well I am right now so I have decided to wright down some things and bring them to the light. every single one of us is a Creecher of habit some have better ones then others  but never the less we do our best to stay on our routine for the most part. We can’t help it’s its who we are it’s what defines us as  Creechers  our beating hearts are the worst offenders never doing anything else’ except its soul purpose until one day it just gets fed up and makes a change  it frees itself from all the strain rearranges the very makeup in witch it was created for. I wonder what
It Takes to make a decision like that before its too late. What habits could a human form out of boredom that would truly be Benafishal to there well being. I am shur the answers are all around me if I just looked that probably be the best start

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