
Reckless love

For those whose love is more arduous than normal

You think that you’re so reckless
You party, smoke, and drink
Adrenaline is your favorite drug
But sometimes you don’t think
You say you’ve done it all
You’ve taken all the risks
But the greatest risk, you’ve yet to take
So let me tell you this:
The heart is the most breakable piece
Of this body you’re inside
So take the greatest risk of all
Don’t ask your heart to hide
Lay it all on the line
That is the only way
To feel all there is to feel
Let your heart be carried away
Love passionately and recklessly
Feel it coursing through your veins
Love with everything you’ve got
Forget about the pain
Forget about the judgement
The people and the looks
Love who makes you happy
Don’t let others be a crook
Don’t let them steal your happiness
Or let them tear you apart
Anyone can free a body
But only true love can free a heart
Other works by Cole Chris...
