
A meeting of the white supremacists and their non-white Useful Idiots Club!

By Stanley Collymore
You’re demonstrably very happy
obviously to genuflect to these
pompous parasites that rather
vaingloriously, arrogantly and likewise
unashamedly, are parading in front of
you with the actual proceeds, of your
own taxpaying money; and evidently
that you consider as being royal but
are essentially, no more so than the
average individual that is bypassed
on any street. Yet despite all that it
is so glaringly obvious to everyone
with a functioning brain effectively
and operatively positioned, in their
head to instantly observe that you
the actually simply gullible lowlife
and distinctly too, inured fawning
scum: the clearly unquestionably
and essentially rather thoroughly
irrefutably evident, transparently
equivalent of everything, literally
fairly depicting the intellectually
challenged crucial dissimilitude
to Mensa, are rather essentially
thoroughly fixated with actually
very unthinkingly believing that
all these monarchical and also
other hereditary charlatans, as
well, are decisively, and clearly
effectively unquestionably too
grandly superior to yourselves
obviously plus every one else!
So much so that they’re essentially
very happy to actually renounce
proper democracy as well as
all its concrete notions along the lines
of and the commendable adoption of
meritocracy; and likewise too human
rights and vital equality measures to
be able, to then fondly vouchsafe to
these people by then endeavouring
to prove to them: for that obviously
is essentially, what all this actually
boils down to; how really insanely
fucked up, your vile stupidity and
endemically entrenched fawning
are, effectively. Actually pathetic
and undeniably quite sad really!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
10 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The comfort of the rich rather obviously so depends largely on an abundant supply of the poor, and most particularly so on those poor who love being so!


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