
A pathetic pillock with pink pigmentation promoting her sick, psychotic disorder!

By Stanley Collymore
Seriously Daily Mail purporting to be a
serious newspaper which intelligent
folk quite undoubtedly know that
you effectively aren’t; if I truly wanted to
read about the basically trivial lives and
inane stunts asininely contrived by sick,
puerile, and rather annoyingly, attention
seeking wannabes, I’ll automatically go,
evidently as a clearly, well-qualified and
rather longstanding research journalist,
and not as one of your  badly-educated
literally abysmally English composition
and evidently also, similarly appallingly
English grammar hacks– very naturally
to the several websites where crucially
all the brains of such overall morons if
they ever existed in the first place very
naturally go to die. What I distinctively
however wouldn’t expect to really find
or simply see, is utter crap of the sort
promulgated by fatuously, dim-witted
and significantly clearly irredeemably,
brainless female cunts like Ron Kage,
plastered over a blatantly, theoretical
news-rag, calling itself the Daily Mail!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
14 August 2023.

Author's Remarks:
A pathetically contrived and a very self-evidently, rather sickeningly engineered attention seeking problem evidently for the Middle Class trollops and distinctly Karen sluts forever in heat sexually, and who among the vile lot of them, haven't a solitary working brain cell to basically share amongst themselves. And clearly as such are attention seekers per se!

Ron Kage significantly knew the precise days and times that her swimming pool cleaner customarily arrived to clean her pool, so there was no error on her part, or of her mistakenly confusing his clear and routine schedule.

A pathetic slut in heat; bored out of her head and evidently advertising her very obvious availability. Her right of course! But should this, or far more pertinently, is this really news?

Stupidity; attention-seeking

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