
An inflated ego seldom, if ever, maketh the ideal man or woman!

By Stanley Collymore
Being candidly told somebody’s
unflattering opinions of one’s
self, however caustic the
summation of that elucidation is, as
long as it’s simply not menacing, or
evidently strays either consciously
or otherwise, distinctively into the
bounds of defamation or libel, it’s
very discernibly, and sensibly not
a crime! And totally undoubtedly
however significantly insultingly
or actually crucially detrimental
psychologically, those naturally
specific remarks very distinctly
made, are to ones ego or likely
too their personal self-esteem
simply does not automatically
or really otherwise essentially,
then realistically quite literally
basically and actually, accord
to that quite offended person
the right to sue the individual
they felt insulted by basically
because their ego effectively
and immensely coupled with
a quite ingrained concept, of
self-entitlement or the rather
solid, and fittingly delusional
notion evidently of their own
self-esteem has, unjustly so,
simply unaccustomedly and
now distinctively undeniably
insultingly taken a battering.
And if the purportedly aggrieved
person either cannot or does
not want to acknowledge
let alone simply accept that no one,
even themself, is above objective
criticism; then in all fairness, it
obviously, does make sense
to very rationally assume
and also, determinedly
accept the criticizer
who initiated the
criticism, was
spot on!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
If only people generally, and specifically so distinctively, and evidently unquestionably, quite discernibly these undoubtedly rather ridiculous Woke brigades; simply seriously tried to realistically understand that it's not unequivocally or even essentially, crucially distinctly a bed of roses, quite generally having to be naturally and basically quite effectively our nations discernibly dependable politicians, business moguls very routinely specifically keeping the obviously rather indispensable engines of our economy going; and simply equally vital in all of this and most crucially in the United Kingdom's case, the evidently unimpeachable and very coalescent factor, which distinctively, discernibly and actually simply most irrefutably, uniquely makes us who and what we evidently irreproachably and crucially are - our British monarchy!

And just constantly remember in all of this that it's you who're foremost and distinctly permanently in our thoughts!

And Barbados, by the way, has just made a bid for the next Winter Olympics!


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