
Permanently fuck off the lot of you and leave Harry and Meghan alone!

By Stanley Collymore
The stalking of Meghan Markle and Harry is nothing
more than a maliciously contrived and wilful and
dishonestly orchestrated witch hunt that has
become truly pathetic; grasping at straws
and plainly looking for anything to stupidly
and rather maliciously pick on, where
Prince Harry and the female of
his dreams that he married
for love, are concerned.
They love each other to bits; that’s plain to
see! But the deluded and in continuous
denial of their deep-rooted racism
cretins can’t acknowledge this;
because Harry is white Caucasian, comes
from a so-called royal family that in a
class-infested British society clearly
typifiess the worst of delusional
white superiority: embracing
a foetid rat’s nest of white
privilege, rooted elitism
and tedious nepotism,
while Meghan his lawful wife: of
Black, mixed race heritage, is
deemed by to these rather
pathetically racist and
psychopathic morons
as supposedly of
baser origins.
Yet by any objective analysis or unbiased
accreditation Meghan Markle is quite
clearly a beautiful, well-educated,
a perfectly, highly intelligent
and self-assured woman! And to those
who genuinely know her, love her
and similarly truly care about
her and her own welfare, is
also soundly regarded as
a sincere warm-hearted
and an exceptionally
welcoming person.
So why then don’t you her numerous detractors:
scandalizing and racist scum the lot of you, just get
over Harry and Meghan and instead advisedly
concentrate on finding ways to seriously
eradicate your transparent and deeply
entrenched low self-esteem, where
you feel obliged to look down
on folk that don’t look like
you, think like you or
behave as you do?
Or are mixed-marriage couples like
Harry and Meghan. Acclamatory
blessing for whom invariably
scares the shits out of the likes of you,
who continuously need someone
or persons to look down on
in order to idiotically
make yourselves
appear good!
© Stanley V. Collymore
31 January 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
To the increasing hordes of the dim-witted, manifestly dumbed-down, intellectually challenged and the easily manipulated by their obsequiously perceived social betters, cap-doffing plebeian lowlife scum who infest Britain, in tandem with the rat’s nest of white privileged, deeply-ingrained elitism and mind-numbing nepotism who coordinate and control the far from meritocratic and welcoming society they individually and collectively persistently delude themselves that the United Kingdom is when nothing could be further from reality.

And who whether they’re longstanding news readers, so-called journalists and commentators or self-serving and corrupt politicians; tax-dodging media barons, incompetent local government councillors and executive officials, corporate CEOs, institutionalized racist law enforcement officers; likeminded magistrates and similarly inept Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and British judiciary members – all of whom euphorically emboldened by Brexit have fulsomely crawled out of their customary racist and delusional white superiority boltholes.

If you’re half as intelligent and racially superior as you like to delude yourselves that you are, please humbly take my sound advice and as I’ve openly here suggested in this poem do precisely what it states and asks of you.

As you’re all of you, individually as well as collectively, a bunch of psychopathically sick, morally twisted, cretinously self-ingratiating and a markedly publicity-seeking irrelevance in the 21st Century!


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