
Cressida Dick’s Metropolitan Police– institutionally racist and monarchically toadying with it!

By Stanley Collymore
How could Martin Bashir or
the BBC likely have been
remotely responsible
re the willing actions of an
obviously compos mentis
and a fully adult female
who as happened was
Diana Spencer– only
for what  every sane
in mind, truthfully
intelligent, rather
honest and truly
objective, quite
fearlessly non
aptly knows
was clearly
the killing
of Diana?
A noxious murder
evilly carried out
on the orders of
those with a lot
to ensure that
criminally, to
their odious
most illegal
benefit the
will think
it was an
Cressida Dick’s action  is
nothing more than the
fawning, dog whistle
vile, PR sycophancy to the
evil, Saxe-Coburg—Gothe—
family! Interestingly
will Cressida, also
similarly launch
a vital criminal
quits relevant
pertinent to
an odiously
killing of
Jean Charles de Silva
e de Menezes? The
Black, Brazilian
man savagely
executed in
a carriage
so evilly
on London’s Underground
directly on your orders
Cressida Dick! No, of
course not  as this obscenity
is a part of the Met’s racist
policies! A solution that
you were so personally
and quite importantly
involved in Cressida.
Afterwards, to then
disdainfullly, high
tail it beneficially
to an equivalent
fully ingrained
similarly racist
Home Office; there to
willingly, with other
recidvist morons,
vent an endemic
toxic racism on
the so hapless
and targeted
at Windrush
Subsequently to her being
promoted by Theresa
May– the architect
of the hostile and anti-Black
environment– to  Cressida
Dick’s current position as
the Metropolitan Police
Commissioner and the
UK’s purported chief
police woman. Even
so as Martin Bashir
is so self-servingly
and distinctly too
stupidly blamed
for Diana’s own
death– alleged paedo
Andy Windsor is by
Frau Dick’s Metro
police  left totally
alone; but then
so too was the
and equally
other elites
OBE, Sir
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 December 2020.

Author's Remarks:
What an utter waste of time, money and effort, Cressida Dick! A sensible move would be to actually and quite honestly, very objectively investigate Diana's death then courageously publish the truth, rather than simply resort to this demonstrable rubbish, which the public is being self-servingly, on your part Cressida, fed with so far.

Which is nothing more than a clearly sycophantic and brown-nosed move to appease the British monarchy and make these criminals not only appear innocent and ludicrously moral but also relevant in the 21st Century. An outdated madness which costs billions of Pounds Sterling to sustain, just as it stupidly promotes elitism of the most odiously reprehensible kind, that is itself earnestly protected by a characteristically rotten state and the conspicuously corrupt and fawning UK police forces; most notably the Metropolitan Police one that you're the Commissioner of Cressida Dick!

Andrew Windsor was exposed by the Americans, NOT the Metropolitan Police or any other British police authority that still carry on both obsequiously and cap-doffing to bury your collective heads in the sand of this disgraceful obscenity as you likewise did with Jimmy Savile and, like him, were simply keen on collecting these given to you for services rendered precious to you but in reality utterly useless and meaningless gongs!

Innocent until proved guilty I totally agree with, but that said why are you basically and rather quite selectively targeting Martin Bashir because of an interview he voluntarily, on both sides, - his and hers - had with Diana Spencer? Because it has with a vengeance 24 years later and with a new generation of less monarchical fawning muppets come back to painfully and obviously too highly embarrassingly bite the pathetic and corrupt asses of your cherished and cap-doffing to Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family in a quite apt rendition of Netflix's series of the Crown? Yet Andrew Windsor carrying such considerably and manifestly too despicable baggage of his own is very inexplicably, but only to dimwits, left completely alone by the Metropolitan Police of which you are in charge Cressida Dick.

Reminds me forcefully Cressida, this Martin Bashir witch hunt by the Met, of the same treatment barbarically and callously meted out to the Stephen Lawrence family, and your calculated reluctance to bring the culpably, vile and evil, criminal white perpetrators of the Grenfell Tower Inferno to justice for the slaughter of the residents there who were principally Black or brown skinned. And are among the numerous reasons why the Metropolitan Police is still quite justifiably Cressida Dick, to all sane, sensible and objectively intelligent persons, labelled as institutionally racist!

Andrew Windsor's exceedingly intimate friendship with the sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and her close companion whom she hoped would marry her, the odious and hugely obsessive paedophile Jeffrey Epstein is very well known. Numerous surviving females, now adults, of these enforced tragedies in their young lives have openly, vividly and courageously spoken of their ordeals and the willing and merciless part that Andrew Windsor has individually as well as collectively with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein played in these revoltingly sick episodes. Yet you Cressida Dick and the Met Police, as well as no others in the UK, have done anything about these odious, repellent, psychopathic, sociopathic and psychologically damaging to these females, activities.

This even after Laura Goldman: the best friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, incarcerat as a serious flight risk in a USA jail and awaiting trial, boasted to Wales online that Ghislaine will keep quiet over Andrew's links to the now dead in jail Jeffrey Epstein and these trafficked females. Why would Ghislaine do that if the said Andrew Windsor is as white, metaphorically, as the proverbially driven snow? A situation not dissimilar from his own mother's soulmate Donald Drumpf, alias Trump, pardoning himself and his own brats! Why a pardon of any kind if those you're seeking to grant such pardons or any kind of absolutions to are supposedly impeccably innocent?

And those who haven't buried their heads too intensely and permanently up the ass of Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor know full well how she initially did everything she could to shield her love child Andrew from his disgrace; even showering him with more gongs and anticipated ones to ruthlessly and connivingly divert attention away from his own created misfortune. And when patently this didn't work as scheming Liz expected it to automatically do so, only then did she rather embarrassedly and reluctantly agree to remove Andrew from all public and so-called "royal" duties.

Why do this, if Andrew is the epitome of innocence? And equally too, why all the furore 24 years later over Diana's death and Netflix's dramatic portrayal of it if the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors are as squeaky clean about that murderous event as they want the world to think that they are? There are obviously fawning monarchical fools aplenty across the length and breadth of the UK, dimwitted cretins with pathetic and useless lives happy to hitch their wagons to anything that alleviates their evident unworthiness; just as there are social climbing morons doing the same in class entrenched Britain.

And if one intellectually distances one's self from such pillocks they're then categorized as conspiracy theorists, and by trolls who can't even properly spell yet asininely and highly ironically claim the English Language as exclusively their own. Well proudly I'm not one of your sort and from childhood have been raised, taught and educated to objectively scrutinise facts, think for myself, unperturbedly state what I find and know to be the truth, and always courageously speak truth to power.

Something that I will never deviate from, whatever the consequences. So you and your monarchical, fawning ilk will have to obviously and objectively do much better than you've done if you expect me to ever, even remotely, take you seriously Cressida Dick!

Someone like you who quite avidly and disingenuously too do support random stop and search of Blacks in Britain even though Blacks are already, and have been for a long time now, SEVEN times more likely to be stopped by the police than whites ever will be! And the purpose of this? Your bigoted suspicions, twisted criminalization and innate racism towards Black people. Yet paedophilia, sexual harassment and abuse and the use of cocaine is rampantly prevalent among Britain's monarchical lot, the UK's other privileged elites, politicians of all parties; within your public schools - whether of the Queer or Dyke versions - prestigious universities where this lot are given entry not on account of academic merit and intellectual ability - and the same goes for top ranks in the Met and other British police forces - but solely by virtue of family money and having the right connections; yet under the prevailing sick rationale promulgated and insidiously held by your sort Cressida Dick, these equivalents of the sepulchre immaculately and deceitfully painted on the outside but inside its interior is replete with dead mens bones, are routinely exempt from the same scrutiny, random or otherwise, and on the rare occasions, when like Charles Windsor's paedophile bishop friend, their behaviour becomes publicly known, they only receive a mild slap on the wrist by Charles' mother's courts, in marked contrast to what the average non elite person would get, which would be a very lengthy custodial sentence. And all because these elites and you their toadying sycophants firmly endorse the ludicrous myths that you're not only members of this supposedly master race but equally as well God's gift to humanity - even though the vast majority of you don't see the inside of a church from one Sunday to the next - but nevertheless something that at all costs you must resolutely maintain!

Twenty four years after Diana's murder a period in which the Met and others rather deliberately did nothing to apprise the UK and the rest of the concerned world about what actually happened in Paris and why, even though you already knew, now rather belatedly you quite asininely want to give the false impression you're genuinely keen to know the truth, when in actuality the Met Police and you particularly Cressida Dick quite idiotically want to delude the gullible into thinking that you're genuinely keen to know the truth, when in actuality all you really want to do is to create scapegoats in order to shield the culpable assessor the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors, who're literally terrified that a new generation of Britons more news savvy and less fawningly so, unlike your lot Cressida Dick, will hold them in the contempt which they justifiably deserve. And every sentient individual with a truly functioning brain in his or head well knows that the crucial preservation of the so-called monarchical "Firm" is all that matters to the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor "mafia" clan!

So try this on for size Cressida Dick. If Netflix is labelling the Windsors, which self-evidently isn't the case but they and their brown-nosed cretins want the rest of the world to think that is the case, why don't the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors sue Netflix in court? But these Windsor charlatans and their sycophantic Spencer equivalent won't, as they're shit scared in relation to what other numerous skeletons will disastrously for them all come tumbling out of their quite verminous, mendaciously criminal and rampantly infested cupboards.

So as a result they, their elite allies and MSM mouthpieces buttressed by their click bait and gullibly controlled trolls eagerly seek to get you Ms Cressida Dick and the Met Police to obsequiously do their dirty work for them; and in the process of doing so visibly create necessary scapegoats to appease this monarchical and Dark Ages medieval mindset mafia. Something you unsurprisingly to me appear most keen to do for them Cressida Dick.

A stark reminder though and one you should heed Cressida; this is the 21st Century NOT the 1930s and far less so the medieval period. And only brown-nosers believe in these enlightened times in the supposed divine right of any monarchy. Now, all sensible and intelligent people quite rightly are committed to democracy and meritocracy, and whether dinosaurs like the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors, yourself Cressida Dick or all the equally fawning MSM and their trolls conjoined think and wish for otherwise, democratic values and meritocratic principles WILL ultimately prevail. This despite the Nazi and populist Fascist environment of the 1930s that are currently and demonstrably infecting Britain. A.d how bloody ironic that is can't be emphasized enough!

What Britain effectively needs is a written constitution that legally, specifically and demonstrably outlines the legitimate Rights and Responsibilities of its citizens; the legal checks and balances of its constitutionally defined parliament and lawmakers and, crucially as well, a democratically chosen Head of State. Not the self-serving farce the UK presently has m, and which ti all but the blind, toadying and quite intellectually challenged assholes is decidedly and inextricably controlled by the UK's thoroughly unaccountable and discernibly criminal elites.


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