
Honours for Failure!

By Stanley Collymore
Honours system indeed!
Just about sums up
a Brexit Britain!
Completely class-entrenched:
with its surfeit of emotionally
delightedly dimwitted, clearly
and very distinctively gullible
serfs rather asininely happily
ruled over by over-privileged,
rather distinctly self-entitled,
unquestionably, significantly
quite obviously intellectually
challenged, and patently too
discernibly useless morons!
The latter as is undoubtedly
the case rather consistently
and aptly rewarded for their
myriad incompetences, and
rather breathtaking failures!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
30 December 2023.

Author's Remarks:
A classic example, and undeniably very self-evidently, and most certainly so in Liz Truss' case, of you scratch my back and I'll absolutely certainly do the same in your case! Thus the reward of gongs by her to the self-serving and obviously pathetic morons who clearly, obviously didn't stop her from evidently wrecking the British economy!

Quite scandalous and equally too most appalling when looked at seriously and honestly! And on Liz Truss' part not bad for purportedly 49 days work, crucially half of which was during Liz Windsor's funeral; yet Liz Truss gets 125.000 Sterling a year for the rest of her rather useless life for ostensibly having been Prime Minister of the UK for 49 days; and all of it funded by those who do actually pay UK taxes! Not the rich media Barons and their chum who fervently supported her, but ensure that their massive UK earnings are hoarded away in off-shore bank accounts as per norm with that lot! So none of Liz Truss' ill gotten gains will be coming from their sort!


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