
Is Kate’s “preventative treatment” a record breaker by being the longest ever?

By Stanley Collymore
What’s going on has nowt at all
to do with any illness, cancer
or otherwise, other simply
than perhaps sociopathic and intensive
psychological behaviour, and the really
evident, crucial, truly self-preservation
of what remaining dignity they clearly
have left, that was always minimal at
best, for these two participants, their
requisite palace stooges and odious
flunkies involved and a literally keen
concerted drive to keep the fatuous
serfs generally quite distinctively in
the dark and clearly undoubtedly in
their quite puerile, and sycophantic
stupidity, customarily, and likewise
permanently and distinctly, onside.
Essentially therefore what you are
observing, or more pertinently so
being rather rapaciously gorged
with is additional nauseating guff from
the MSM. For it’s not as if your William
has crucially been sat continuously, by
Kate’s bedside, very obviously feeding
her grapes as he mops her brow! And
as for the children, I’m obviously sure
their nannies are carrying on, looking
after them, as they’ve routinely done!
While the other servants are actually
going about their general customary
tasks like cleaning, effectively doing
the laundry duties and similarly also
the cooking ones. So very logically I
really don’t see how it’s undoubtedly
crucial for William to be AWOL from
his public duties, a solitary moment
in total, when rather unquestionably
his actual presence at Kate’s abode
is patently redundant in the actually
aforesaid circumstances, clearly as
it’s irrefutably and very significantly
further, hypocritically compounded
by the fact, they don’t live together!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
What you fawning serfs are essentially and quite pathetically being dealt, and I have no empathy with or sympathy for you in any regard as you really deserve the shit they serve you and tell you it's choice chocolate, is the longest divorce negotiations ever. And just as you used to eulogize Diana but the MSM and the palace have now got you to discernibly, malignantly and dishonestly castigate her as a whore, you'll in time do the same with Kate once William is effectively rid of her! And you basically see yourselves as exceptionally clever people' and even exceptionally so. Dream on! Lol!


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