
Make Ireland Whole Again!

By Stanley Collymore
Rishi Sunak: the British colonial
overlord, arrives in Northern
Ireland to aptly lay down
the law. Good luck essentially with that
specific venture, rather significantly so
amidst the obvious irony which exists.
The latter itself quite being, that Rishi
Sunak’s very own crucially irrefutable
and literally indubitable heritage was
one, of his own people being victims
of colonialism also! But as evidently
sensible intelligent, and significantly
genuinely worldly wise people really
know well; enormous wealth simply
adjoined to great power and both of
which Rishi Sunak has acquired are
great distractions for a conscience;
assuming that is that the individual
concerned, possessed one initially!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Ireland unfree shall never be at peace!


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