
Mindboggling Sycophancy!

By Stanley Collymore
Most people, if obviously not
everyone, do at some point
basically in their own life,
if not exactly taking to either hero
or otherwise heroine worshipping
another person or even several of
them, stopping quite short of this
usual specific adulation but none
the less happily and even fittingly
excitedly lauding their effectively
chosen individuals so clearly, for
something, that they’ve explicitly
and so, very commendably done
in their life; generally know then,
the difference between sensibly
recognizing excellence, and too
rather pathetically jumping on a
particular bandwagon, because
their basically dire and crucially
evidently, so unproductive lives
are quite conspicuously devoid
of anything really, that logically
could undoubtedly be ascribed
even laughably, as stimulating!
Little wonder then that such
people, exclusively through
rudimentary instinct since
intellectual acumen doesn’t feature
in anything they ever embark on as
they very distinctly have none, turn
out unsurprisingly, as one crucially
visibly and naturally sees them; as
logically speaking a more positive
or enlightened outcome regarding
them was clearly logically unlikely.
Solely, because the natural pawns
truly in every odiously evil, human
permutation that there, is ranging
from the most cynical, and a total
gullible exploitation; itself fittingly
characterized also by malevolent
and egregiously contrived hatred
in tandem with such perniciously
induced and a wilfully conscious
rather hostilely sustained racism.
And, in all of this, essentially
and most elaborately also
crowned by an endemic
and deeply embedded, subliminal
adroitness, principally so by Brits
within Britain, but similarly also,
their kith and kin, rampantly so
in those countries that they’ve
quite barbarously genocidally
acquired and exclusively run;
the distinctive, rather puerile
plebeian serfs most happily
unremorsefully, yet actually
very essentially embedded
so gleefully in this obvious
and characteristically, very
mindboggling sycophancy
to their rather instinctively
perceived as and likewise
undeniably also accepted
decidedly unquestionably
as clearly their hierarchal
and societal betters; with
a more fixated, and really
elaborate obeisances for
specifically the surfeit of
divine elements crucially
and rather vaingloriously
by hereditarily birth right
but transparently clearly
unelected UK monarchy.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
No one in their right mind who’s possessed of any self-respect and sensibly, logically and objectively regards while, similarly instinctively and distinctively, treating their fellow human beings exactly as they should be, in essence and realistic terms specifically as the mere mortals they similarly are; is anyrhing other, in my objective and honest estimation, than being literally spot on the ball, by intelligently doing so; while impartially, discernibly also, effectively adopting a most evidently positive, thoroughly decisive and, as well, what is very essentially a highly commendably, impartial stance.

What I’m advocating cannot or shouldn’t be classed or even malignantly categorized by my opponents as merely subjective observations or purely personal wishes of my own, since though personal as they obviously are because everything one does is literally such, they’re nevertheless objectively scrutinized, appraised by me and only then sensibly and logically, fittingly accorded the mantle of sanity.

For there’s absolutely and discernibly nothing within Britain or anywhere else across Planet Earth that in the past, now or at any time in the future will ever persuade, far less so convince me that another human being who enters this world, and involuntary so as all of us do, primarily and even mot exclusively so because their biologically accepted father discharged his semen into the accommodating and considered worthy vagina of that most orchestrated and planned child, or children’s similarly classified as biological mother, then somehow these intentionally contrived actions automatically make such offspring along with their parents, similarly self-entitled and unwarrantedly privileged extended family, supremely and automatically superior in every conceivable fashion to everyone else who isn’t like them.

Rewarding and naturally, worthily praising other persons for their proven successful achievements is in my estimation wholly different, and distinctly rightly so, from the utter lunacy of wanton and mindboggling sycophancy; and encouraging your loftily perceived betters to literally quite self-servingly and patently ridiculously also accord themselves numerous and utterly meaningless self-contrived titles, likewise granted on whims to their likemindedly declared hereditary friends and allies and attendantly so to fanatical social climbing brownnosers, while you the plebeian serfs whom they care bugger all about and generally don’t think about you unless and until they need your fawning endorsement to assist in helping them deflect from themselves their criminal, financial irregularity, paedophilia or the numerous other immoral travesties that they routinely indulge in, foolishly but excitedly, quite forgivingly and even most caustically condemnatory of genuine critics of these peoples’ behaviour lap up all this and most asininely considered yourselves to be hugely blessed to be basically condescended to by such people.

Because in essence you are yourselves worst enemies: who in reality are a surfeit of toxically verminous, lowlife cretins with no pride in or self-respect for yourselves, as you basically wouldn’t know how to go about doing so, and who prime existence is to routinely live as adjuncts in the publicity seeking, PR obsessed and copycat versions relative to your own selves of the dysfunctional lives that these people consistently live and which you unquestionably perceive should be emulated, because they are your societal betters - the fitting qualifications it does obviously seem for thoroughly intellectually challenged morons that you undoubtedly are, always have been, and quite irrefutably too will likewise remain!

Welcome effusively then to Brexit Britain and its genocidally enamoured likeminded offshoot kith and kin in Terra nullius Australia, New Zealand and Canada!

#Indoctrination #Stupidity

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